Principal's Message
At Metropolitan we believe it is important for our students to be connected to school through positive relationships and a strong sense of community. Our school is family oriented and takes a whole child approach to teaching and learning. Our teachers and staff are committed to providing all students with an appropriate and challenging educational experience in a respectful environment that fosters learning and growth. Teachers focus on the four domains of the LAUSD graduate profile: self-advocate, open minded and ethical, adaptable and effective communicators.
A crucial part of success for students is attendance. As a parent or guardian, it is essential for you to maintain an attitude that “Every Day Counts” for students to be in school and ready to learn each day. At Metropolitan, we will assist in helping parents and families understand the importance of instructional time and school attendance. Additionally at Metropolitan, we recognize that family and community support are integral to our success. Therefore, we encourage you to join us as a parent volunteer or School Site Council, as well as other avenues. Parents/Guardians play the most important role in a student's success and I invite you to collaborate with us in your child’s education.
Metropolitan High School provides a small, caring, and academically challenging program that allows students of varying ability levels to flourish through a variety of means. In the high school blended program, students have the opportunity to receive project-based, face-to-face instruction from highly qualified teachers while self-regulating online independent study in their remaining courses utilizing district provided technology. All courses are a-g approved and follow the California Content Standards. Student clubs and activities are available based on students' interests. Parents and teachers have regularly scheduled open communication where they can discuss student progress through the curriculum as well as academic needs.
We are a Linked Learning school where we connect students to entities that support them. Some of our partners are LA Metro, Coalition for Responsible Community Development (CRCD), ArtworxLA, Homeboys Industries, Guerrilla Cafecito and Maywood Barber Lounge. High School students use the Edgenuity digital platform based on their course needs. Students also can participate in intervention or enrichment with the teacher during the week. English learners would be provided with 30 minutes of daily instruction for English language development. Parents are required to meet with the teacher each week to review work completion and set goals.
We look forward to providing all students with an excellent education as you earn your high school diploma.